doubling farmers income committee

Doubling Farming Income committee and its recommendations new hot 2022

Doubling farming income, Doubling farming income chairman, Recommendations of doubling farming income

doubling farmers income committee

An Inter-ministerial Committee the was formed in April, 2016 to examine issues relating to “Doubling farmers Income” and recommend strategies to achieve the same. The DFI Committee submitted its report to the Government in September, 2018 containing the strategy for doubling of farmers’ income by the year 2022.

Ashok Dalwai is the current chairman of Doubling Farming Income committee.

Doubling Farming Income committee and its recommendations

The Committee on Doubling Farmers’ Income (DFI) recognizes agriculture as a value led enterprise and it identified seven major sources of growth which are –

1. Increase in crop productivity

2. Increase in livestock productivity

3. Resource use efficiency or savings in the cost of production

4. Increase in the cropping intensity

5. Diversification towards high value crops

6. improvement in real prices received by farmers

7. Shift from farm to non-farm occupations

Read more on the doubling farmers income the committee and its recommendations here Link

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