soil science jrf question paper

Soil science jrf question paper 2021 new soil science quiz

Soil science jrf question paper 2021 based question bank for soil science afo quiz

1) It is the relative purity or strength of the spectral color.
A) Hue B) Light C) Chroma D) Value
2) “The limiting velocity of a particle falling in fluid medium will be proportional to the square of its diameter.” This law is given by:
A) Beer B) Jackson C) Stoke D) Lambert
3) This enzyme is involved in the BNF.
A) Rhizobium B)Azotobacter C)Nitrogenase D)Nitrosomonas
4) “Enrichment of water bodies by nutrients and consequent bloom of algal and other aquatic plants” This is the process known as:
A) Illuviation B) Elluviation C) Eutrophication D)Neutralization
5) A branch of soil science which deals with the soil from the crop production point of view
A)Pedology B)Soil geology C)Ecology D)Edaphology
6) In montmorillonite, most of the negative charges are developed by:
A) Dissociation of OH group B) Ionic substitution C) Ionic structure D)Humus
7) Particle density is also known as:
A) True density B) Bulk density C) Apparent density D) Specific gravity
8) Total porosity is more in
A) Sandy soil B)Clayey soil C) Silty soil D)Loamy sand
9) The dominant potential in saline soil is
A) Metric B) Osmotic C) Gravitational D) pressure
10) The phenomenon by which hydrogen atoms act as links between water molecules is called as
A) Polarity B) Hydrogen bonding C) Surface tension D) Attraction
11) The attraction of solid surface for water molecules is called as
A) Adhesion B) Cohesion C) Flocculation D) Plasticity
12) The best agricultural soil structure is
A) Crumb B) Platy C) Columnar D) Blocky
13) The soil having more than 30% organic matter is placed in
A) Oxisols B) Arid sols C) Histosols D)Alfisols
15) The example of 2: 2 type silicate clay mineral is
A) Chlorite B)Kaolinite C)Montmorillonite D)Vermiculite
16) The process of desilication is known as
A)Laterization B)Podzolization C)Salinization D)Humification
17) The main centre of NBSS & LUP is located at
A)Palampur B) Nagpur C) Kanpur D) Jodhpur
18) The element N is not found in
A)Atmosphere B) Hydrosphere C) Lithosphere D) Planets
19) The metamorphic rock formed due to action of high pressure is known as
A)Dynamo metamorphic B)Thermo metamorphic C) Hydro metamorphic D)None
20) The progressive accumulation of Na+ ion on exchange complex is called as
A)Salinization B) Calcification C) Alkalization D) Gleization
21) The soils formed in high rainfall area are
A) Acidic B) Basic C) Alkaline D) Saline
22) Horizon B2 is also known as
A) Illuvial horizon B) Eluvial horizon C) Solum D) Transition horizon
23) Hematite is converted to limonite by the process of
A) Hydration B) Hydrolysis C) Oxidation D) Carbonation
24) Name of phosphorus supplying mineral is
A) Quartz B) Apatite C) Feldspar D) Calcite

Soil science jrf question paper 2021 based free mock
25) The horizon A + B are collectively called as
A) Solum B) Regolith C) Organic D) Illuvial
26) The order of desert soil is
A) Entisoils B) Aridisols C) Vertisols D) Inceptisols
27) The best agricultural texture is
A) Loam B) Sand C) Silt D) Clay
28) Natural soil aggregates are known as
A) Peds B) Clods C) Floccules D) None of these
29) Soil pH is a measure of
A) Active acidity B) Reserve acidity C) Exchange acidity D) None of these
30) Infiltration rate is relatively higher in
A) Sandy soil B) Clay loam soil C) Silty soil D) Clayey soil
31) Widely accepted fixed value of particle density is
A) 1.5 g/cc B) 2.65 g/cc C) 2.29 g/cc D) 1.65 g/cc
32) Solution whose strength or concentration is accurately known is termed as
A)Normal solution B)Concentrate solution C)Standard solution D) Solvent
33) Solution which contains one gram eq. wt. of substance dissolved in one lit. of solution is known as
A) Molar solution B) Normal solution C) Molal solution D) Standard solution
34) The size of silt fraction according to USDA system is
A) 0.05-0.002 mm B) 0.02-0.002 mm C) < 0.02 mm D) 0.2–0.02 mm
35) The range of usefulness of tensiometer is between
A) 10-15 bar B) 1-10 bar C) 0.0-0.8 bar D) – 15 bar
36) Maximum density of water is at
A) 4 oC B)- 4 oC C) 0 oC D) 10 oC
37) The water content on mass basis can be converted into volume basis by multiplying it with
A) Particle density B) Surface tension C) Bulk density D) Total potential
38) Which one is considered as organic fertilizer?
A) FYM B) Urea C) Ammonium sulphate D) DAP
39) It has higher CEC
A) FYM B) Humus C) Root D) Clay
40) The C: N ratio of the soil is fairly constant between
A) 10: 1 to 12: 1 B) 50: 1 to 60: 1 C) 1: 10 to 1: 12 D) 1: 10 to 12: 6
41) Rock phosphate is applied in
A) Normal soil B) Calcareous soil C) Acid soil D) Degraded alkali soil
42) Conversion factor for P to P2O5 is
A) 2.00 B)2.5 C) 2.29 D) 1.92
43) According to LCC, which class of land is suitable for wild life?
44) The essentiality of N was established by
A) E. Gris B) De Saussure C) Arnon D) Lipman
45) One angstrom is equal to
A) 10-8 m B) 10-9 m C) 10-7 m D)10-10 m
46) One gram equivalent NaOH is equal to
A) 1000 mg NaOH B) 40 g NaOH C) 4 g NaOH D) 10000 mg NaOH
47) Sodium chloride is a salt of
A) Strong acid – weak base B) Weak acid – strong base C) Strong acid – strong base
D) Weak acid – weak base
48) pH may be defined as
A) Negative log of OH ion concentration B) Log of H ion concentration
C) Negative log of H ion concentration D) Log of OH ion concentration
49) Parts per million is equal to
A) g/l B)mg/l C) g/kg D)mg/ml

Soil science jrf question paper 2021
50) Oxidation reaction involves
A) Loss of electrons B) Gain of electrons C) Sharing of electrons D) None of these
51) The example of self indicator is
A) Phenolphthalein B) Methyl orange C) KMnO4 D) Methyl red
52) The glass electrode is used in
A) pH meter B) E. C. Meter C)Colorimeter D)Spectrometer
53) Filter is used as dispersing device in
A) Spectrometer B) Colorimeter C) pH meter D) E. C. Meter
54) Chlorophyll contains
A) Magnesium B) Manganese C) Iron D) Cobalt
55) Hemoglobin contains
A) Nickel B) Cobalt C) Iron D) Magnesium
56) The method used to determine available phosphorus from soil is
A) Moh’r method B) Versenate method C) Olsen’s method D) Molisch’s method
57) Vitamin C is also known as
A) Acetic acid B) Formic acid C) Ascorbic acid D) Aspartic acid
58) When diacid mixture is used for digestion of plant sample, the element cannot be determined from that
extract is
A) N B) K C) PD) S

Soil science jrf question paper 2021 based mock exam
59) Method used for the determination of lime requirement of an acid soil is
A) Moh’r method B) Shoemaker’s method C) Olsen’s method D) Kleinal’s method
60) At which wavelength, plant phosphorus can be estimated on Uv- vis spectrophotometer?
A) 440 nm B) 660 nm C) 470 nm D) 570 nm
61) The indicator used in determination of Organic carbon from soil is
A) Methylene blue B) Diphenyl amine C) Methyl orange D) Methyl red
62) Determination of Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu from plant is done by using
A) FPM B) SPM C) AASD) EC meter
63) Gypsum is used for the reclamation of
A) Sodic soil B) Heavy soil C) Saline soil D) Acidic soil
64) Decomposition of organic matter results in an increase of
A) Salinity B) Alkalinity C) Acidity D) Sodicity
65) Kg/ha = ppm x __________
A) 2.24 B) 4.48 C) 1.12 D) 1.24
66) The pH value varies from
A) 7.00 to 14.00 B) 0.00 to 7.00 C) 0.00 to 14.00 D) None of these
67)The green manure crop is turned into soil at the stage of crop
A) Germination B) Harvest C) Flowering D) Boot stage
68) Requirement of phosphorus by the crop is maximum at _______ growth stage
A) Initial B) Flowering C) Lateral D) Harvest
69) ppb = _____________
A) mg/ml B) g/ml C) µg/l D) g/l

Soil science jrf question paper 2021
70) Vitamin A deficiency causes
A) Scurvy B) Beriberi C) Night blindness D) Dizziness
71) Sugar presents in milk
A) Lactose B) Galactose C) Maltose D) Fructose
72) Paddy crop absorbs nitrogen in form of:
A) NH2 B) NH4 C) NO3 D) N2
73) The specific gravity of water
A) 1.5 Mg m-1 B) 1.0 Mg m-1 C) 5.1 Mg m-1 D) 0.1 Mg m-1
74) The nutrient required for quality maintenance in potato:
A) Zinc B) Potassium C) Iron D) Phosphorus
75) The two non-metallic elements occurring in greatest abundance in the earth crust are
(a) Calcium & Magnesium (b) Oxygen & Silicon (c) Aluminum & iron D) None
76) Water plays an important role in the formation of
(a) Igneous rock (b) Sedimentary rock (c) Metamorphic rock (d) None
77) The parent materials deposited near the base of strong slope by the action of gravity
(a) Lucustrain (b) Colluvium (c) Alluvium (d)aeolian
78) The parent materials of sand size transported by the action of wind is called
(a) Eolian(b) Moraine(c) Loess (d) Alluvium
79) The excavation and destructive action of water on rock and minerals is called
(a) Exfoliation (b) Denudation (c) Chemical weathering (d)Marine
80) The rocks gets broken in pieces due to temperature is called
(a) Chemical weathering(b) Denudation (c) Exfoliation (d) physical weathering
81) Marble is metamorphic rock converted from lime stone due to the action of
(a) Temperature(b) Pressure (c) Heat (d) water
82) The clay fraction of the soil has diameter less than
(a) 0.002 mm (b) 0.2 mm(c) 0.02 mm (d) 0.0002 mm
83) B1 horizon in the soil profile is also known as
(a) Allivial(b) Eluvial(c) Illuvial (d) aeolium
84) Sedimentary rocks are also known as
(a) Metamorphic rock (b) Stratified rock (c) Igneous rock (d) extrusive rocks

Soil science jrf question paper 2021
85) Accumulation of Calcium carbonate in the profile is called
(a) Salinization(b) Solonization (c) Calcification (d) solodization
86) An active soil forming factor is
(a) Climate (b) Parent material (c) Topography (d) time
87) An artificially formed soil mass is called
(a) ped(b) crust(c) clod (d) land
88) Deep black soil of Gujarat is also known as
(a) black soil (b) alluvial soil (c) regurs soil (d) brown soil
89) Two water molecules are held by ________ bond.
(a) Hydrogen(b) ionic(c) covalent (d) negative
90) The soil having PD 2.50 g/cc and BD 1.25 g/cc will have _____ % porosity.
(a) 45(b) 50(c) 55 (d) 60

Soil science jrf question paper 2021
91) Total porosity is more in:
(a) Sandy soil (b Loamy soil (c) Clayey soil (d) silty soil
92) The best agricultural soil structure is:
(a) spheroidal(b) Platy(c) prism (d) columnar
93) Chemically most active soil separate is
(a) sand(b) silt(c) clay (d) gravel
94) The lightness or darkness of soil coulour is denoted by:
(a) hue(b) value(c) chroma (d) none of these
95) Black soil are __________ in organic matter:
(a) Medium(b) Poor(c) High(d) None of these
96) At FC moisture is held at:
(a) – 31 water potential bar(b) – 1/3 water potential bar (c) – 15 water potential bar(d) None

97) Soil containing high proportion of organic matter have the following colour:
(a) Dark colour (b) Yellow colour (c) Red colour (d) Light colour
98) The components of soil are:
(a) Mineral matter(b) Organic matter (c) Water & Air (d) All of these
99) Relative proportion of soil separates in sand, silt and clay is termed as:
(a) Soil texture (b) Soil structure(c) Soil porosity (d) None of these
100) The arrangement of individual soil particles in a specific pattern is called:
(a) Soil texture (b) Soil separates (c) Soil structure (d) None of these
101) An average particle density of soils is:
(a) 1.5 g/cc(b) 2.0 g/cc (c) 2.65 g/cc(d) None of these
102) The process of determining the amount of sand, silt and clay is known as:
(a) Soil analysis (b) Mechanical analysis(c) Statistical analysis(d) Chemical analysis
103) Chlorophyll is present in
(a) Vacuole (b) Nucleus (c) Chloroplast (d) Golgi body
104) Man cannot digest cellulose due to the absence of
(a) Hemicellulase (b) Protease (c) Lipase (d) Cellulase
105) The cation exchange phenomenon was first recognized by __________ .
(a) Walkly and Black (b) Thompson and Way (c) Arnon and Stout (d) William and Tan

Soil science jrf question paper 2021
106) _________ reagent is used for the determination of micronutrient cations from the soil.
107) _____ fertilizers are applied for improvement of quality and strength of fiber crops.
(A) Phosphatic (B) Nitrogenous (C) Potassic (d) sulphur
108) ______ process depends on partial dissociation of water into H and OH ions.
(A) Hydrolysis (B) Hydration (C) Solution (d)Carbonation
109) _________ is non-symbiotic N-fixer in soil.
(A) Rhizobium (B) Fungi (C) Azatobactor (d) Azospirillium
110) _________ is symbiotic N-fixer in leguminous crop.
(A) Fungi (B) Azatobactor (C) Rhizobium (d) Azospirillium
111)_________ potential is due to presence of solute in the soil.
(A) Gravimetric (B) Osmotic (C) Matric (d) pressure potential
112) __________ is conversion of soil nitrate into gaseous nitrogen.
(A) Denitrification (B) Nitrification (C) Ammonification (d) Denitrification
113)__________ is one of the phosphate solubilizer species of micro organisms.
(A) Azolla (B) Pseudomonas (C) Azotobactor (d) Azospirillium
114)___________ cation is dominant in sodic soil.
(A) Sodium (B) Potassium (C) Calcium (d) Magnesium
115) ___________ is passive soil forming factor.

Soil science jrf question paper 2021
(A) Parent material (B) Biosphere (C) climate (d) None of these
116) ___________ is example of silicate clay minerals.
(A) Kaolinite (B) Apatite (C) Tourmaline (d)illite
117) ___________ is fast decomposing material in soil.
(A) Sugar (B) Lignin (C) Fats (d) Protein
118) ___________ mineral is a source of boron in soils.
(A) Apatite (B) Tourmaline (C) Biotite (d) illite
119) ____________ fertilizers are applied for improvement of quality and strength of fiber crop.
(A) Phosphoric (B) Nitrogenous (C) Potassic (d) Sulphur
120) _____________ is example of immobile element in soil.
(A) Nitrogen (B) Potassium (C) Phosphorus (d) Zinc
121) ______________ is one of the phosphate solubilizer species of micro organisms.
(A) Azolla (B) Pseudomonas (C) Azotobactor (d) Rhizobium
122) ____________________ is a recent soil order.
(A) Inceptisols (B) Entisols (C) Alfisols (D) Aridisol
123) ____________________ is also known as saline soil.
(A) White alkali (B) Black alkali (C) Usar
124) Ammonification involves transformation of
(A) Sugar to CO2 (B) nitrate to Nitrite (C) amino acid to ammonia (d) ammonia to amino acid
125) As per WHO, the safe limit of nitrate content in ground water is _______mg/l.
(A) 1 (B) 10 (C) 100 (d) 50
126) At a point C: N ratio, becomes more or less constant, generally stabilizes at_____.
(A) 10:1 (B) 20:2 (C) 30:3 (d) 50:1
127) Average nitrogen concentration in plant tissue is_________ %.
(A) 1.5 (B) 0.5 (C) 5.1 (d) 50
128) Azatobactor can fix _________ kg atmospheric nitrogen /ha to the soil.
(A) 200 (B) 2 (C) 20 (d) 2000
129) Boron content of irrigation water ranged from ___ mostly sensitive to citrus crop.
(A) 3.0 – 10.0 ppm (B) 0.3 – 1.0 (C) 30.0-100.0 (d) 30-300
130) Burning quality of Tobacco decreased due to
(A) Chloride (B) sulphate (C) potassium (d) Phosphorus
131) CAN fertilizer is _______ fertilizer
(A) Acidic (B) basic (C) neutral (d) None of these
132) Carryover fertilizer effects are more pronounced in the case of ___________.
(A) Urea (B) CAN (C) SSP (d) DAP
133) chemically the most active soil separate is________.
(A) Sand (B) silt (C) clay (d) gravel
134) Clay having ____________ charge so that they attract and adsorb primarily cations.
(A) Positive (B) negative (C) neutral (d) none of these
135) Compaction _________ bulk density of soil.
(A) Increases (B) decreases (C) none of these (d) both a & b
136) Conversion of K to K2O is _______________.
(A) 2.1 (B) 1.2 (C) 2.2 (d) 1.32
137) DDT has _______________ half life years in cultivated soils.
(A) 6.0 (B) 3.0 (C) 9.0 (d)12
138) Deficiency of _____ nutrient shows marginal burning of leaves, irregular fruit development of plant.
(A) N (B) P (C) K (d) Fe
139) Deficiency of ___________ appears short internodes in plant.
(A) Zinc (B) nitrogen (C) copper (d) potassium
140) Di-Ammonium Phosphate fertilizer contains ________ % nitrogen.
(A) 46 (B) 21 (C) 18 (d) 24
141) Eaton (1950) suggested the concept of ____________.
(A) RSC (B) SAR (C) TSS (d) RSBC
142) Essentially criteria of nutrient are given by _________________.
(A) Schoonover (B) Arnon (C) Jackson (d) Schofield
143) Exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) less than ___________ is safe for tolerable soil physical
conditions. (A) 15 (B) 20 (C) 30 (d) 25
144) Fertilizer like ____________ destroys the soil aggregates.
(A) Urea (B) sodium nitrate (C) calcium nitrate (d) DAP
145) Flame-photometer is used for the determination of ___________.
(A) Available P (B) available K (C) available N (d) Sulphur
146) For multi element analysis, the plant materials should be digested in _________acid alone.
(A) Nitric (B) sulphuric (C) perchloric (d) Hydrochloric
147) Generally, _____ extractant is used to determine available micronutrients from soil.
(A) EDTA (B) CDTA (C) DTPA (d) CaCl2
148) generally, true density of normal soils is ___________ g/cc.
(A) 1.65 (B) 2.65 (C) 3.65

Soil science jrf question paper 2021
149) Growth stimulation of aquatic organisms through nutrient enrichment of lakes and ponds is known as
(A) Enrichment (B) amendment (C) eutrofication
150) High nitrate content in drinking water causes _________ disease in infants.
(A) Anemia (B) methamoglobinemia (C) pneumonia
151) Illite is ____________ type of silicate clay mineral.
(A) 2: 1 (B) 1: 1 (C) 1: 2
152) Kaolinite is ____________ type of clay mineral.
(A) expanding (B) non-expanding (C) less expanding (d) none of these
153) Khaira disease of rice is caused by ____________deficiency.
(A) Zinc (B) iron (C) boron (d) nitrogen
154) Kjeldahl method is used to determine ___________ of soil.
(A) Total N (B) organic C (C) available K (d) available P
155) Lime induced chlorosis is mostly observed in ___________,
(A) Acid soils (B) alkali soils (C) calcareuses soils (d) saline
156) Most of the gaseous interchange in soil occurs by ________.
(A) Mass flow (B) diffusion (C) interception (d) contact exchange
157) Movement of nutrient ions and salts along with moving water is termed as:
(A) Diffusion (B) contact exchange (C) mass flow (d) contact exchange
158) Natural aggregates are called as ____________.
(A) Clods (B) peds (C) sphere (d)pebbles
159) One tone of gypsum is equivalent to _________ tone of sulphur.
(A) 0.570 (B) 0.186 (C) 1.620 (d) 2.300
160) Only _______ per cent of mineral nutrients are dissolved in soil water.
(A) < 0.2 (B) < 2.0 (C) > 2.0 (d) <20.0
161) Plant samples are oven dried at ________ °C.
(A) 105 ± 5 (B) 85 ± 5 (C) 65 ± 5 (d) 70 ± 5
162) Red color of soil is associated with _________.
(A) Ferric oxide (B) silica (C) lime (d) feldspars
163) Rock phosphate is applied in ____________ type soil.
(A) Alkali (B) acid (C) neutral (d) saline-alkali

Soil science jrf question paper 2021
164) Salt moved to inland through the transportation of spray by wind are called ________ .
(A) Cyclic salt (B) salt deposits (C) transported salts (d) secondary salt
165) Soil act as a ___________ filter by adsorbing and precipitation.
(A) Physical (B) biological (C) chemical (d) physico- chemical
166) Soil pH > 8.5 indicates soil is_______
(A) Alkaline (B) acidic (C) neutral (d) none
167) Soils having EC – rated as Saline soil
(A) EC > 4.0 (B) EC < 4.0 (C) EC 1.0
168) Spectrophotometer is used for the determination of ___________.
(A) Available P (B) available K (C) available N (d) available S
169) Stokes’ law is applied in estimation of______.
(A) Electrical conductivity (B) mechanical analysis of soil (C) soil pH (d) EC
170) The application of fertilizer in irrigation water in either open or closed system is known as
(A) fertigation (B) drip irrigation (C) sprinkler irrigation (d) flood irrigation
171) The arrangement of three atoms in a water molecule is not ______.
(A) Symmetrical (B) asymmetrical (C) equal (d) double
172) The author of “Introductory Soil Science” is ________.
(A) N. C. Brady (B) D. K. Das (C) J. S. Kanwar (d) T.D. Biswas

Soil science jrf question paper 2021
173) The author of “Soil Fertility -Theory and Practice” is ___________.
(A) Gupta (B) Kanwar (C) Tisdale (d) T.D. Biswas
174) The bulk density of organic matter is about _______ g/cc.
(A) 1.0 (B) 1.5 (C) 0.5 (d) 2.0
175) The chemical formula of gypsum is _________
(A) CaCl2.2H2O (B) CaSO4.2H2O (C) CaCO3 (D) CaSO4
176) The chemical formula of lime is _________
(A) CaCl2.2H2O (B) CaSO4.2H2O (C) CaCO3 D) CaSO4
177) The clay colloids can be moulded in any shape due to the property of_____ .
(A) Consistency (B) swelling (C) plasticity (d) shrinkage
178) The clay minerals carry ___________ electrical charge on their surface.
(A) Positive (B) negative (C) neutral (d) none
179) The CO2 content of the cultivated soil is _______ per cent.
(A) 0.25 (B) 0.03 (C) 20.60 (d) 30.0
180) The colloidal particles are coagulated by adding an oppositely charged ion and formation of flocs is
known as ___________.
(A) Flocculation (B) deflocculation (C) adsorption. (d) Absorption.

Soil science jrf question paper 2021
181) The criteria of nutrient essentiality are given by _________________.
(A) Schoonover (B) Arnon (C) Jackson (d) Schofield
182) The horizons A + B + C collectively known as______ .
(A) solum (B) regolith (C) parent material (d) topography
183) The movement of water through column of soil is known as_____.
(A) Infiltration (B) hydraulic Conductivity (C) percolation
185) The nitrogen content in FYM generally ranged from __________ %.
(A) 0.05 – 10 (B) 5 – 10 (C) 0.5 – 1.0 (d) 10-15
186) The nitrogen content in Urea is __________ per cent.
(A) 24 (B) 46 (C) 64 (d) 48
187) The optimum range of temperature for the activity of micro-organisms is___.
(A) 20-25° C (B) 25-30° C (C) 30-35° C (d) 10-15° C
188) The parent materials of sand size transported by the action of wind are called_____.
(A) eolian (B) moraine (C) loess (d) colostrums

Soil science jrf question paper 2021
189) The physical weathering is also known as _________.
(A) decomposition (B) integration (C) disintegration (d) all above
190) The process of accumulation of soluble salt in soil is known as______.
(A) alkalization (B) solonisation (C) salinization (d) solodization
191) The sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) developed by __________.
192) The soil having PD 2.50 g/cc and BD 1.25 g/cc will have______ % porosity.
(A) 45 (B) 50 (C) 55 ( D)65

Soil science jrf question paper 2021
193) The soil order ________ contains organic matter more than 30 %.
(A) Aridisols (B) Histosols (C) Vertisols (d) Aridisol
194) The solid zone of the earth’s sphere is known as _________.
(A) atmosphere (B) hydrosphere (C) lithosphere (d) Stratosphere
195) The source of N – fertilizer recommended for Tobacco
(A) urea (B) ammonium Sulphate (C) potassium Nitrate (d) CAN
196) The specific gravity of light mineral is less than_____.
(A) 2.65 (B) 2.85 (C) 2.55 (d) 2.65

Soil science jrf question paper 2021
197) The vertical cracks are major problem in_______.
(A) loamy soils (B) sandy soils (C) deep black soils (d) silt
198) The water held tightly on the soil surface colloidal particle is known as____.
(A) available water (B) capillary water (C) hygroscopic water (d) field capacity
199) There are _________ categories of classification in soil taxonomy.
(A) three (B) five (C) six (d) eight
200) Two water molecules are held by __________bond.

Soil science jrf question paper 2021, Soil science jrf question paper 2021,Soil science jrf question paper 2021,Soil science jrf question paper 2021,Soil science jrf question paper 2021,Soil science jrf question paper 2021,Soil science jrf question paper 2021

Question paper soil science

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