Agriculture officer kerala psc short list, cat no 475/2020, Kerala public service commission, kpsc Result published for the post of Agricultural Officer – STATEWIDE (Category No. 475/2020 ) in Agriculture Development and Farmers’ Welfare Department on Rs.39500 – 83000 on the basis of the Objective Type Test (OMR) held on 26-03-2022.
Recently the kerala public service commission published the short list for the agriculture officer exam conducted on 26th of march 2022. The short list for Agriculture officer statewide category 475/2020 was published on 20th of september. Around 900 individuals came in the main list and others were included in the supplementary lists. The link for downloading agriculture officer kerala psc can be found below.
Cut off marks for securing a spot in the main list in category 475/2020 was 25.67. The candidates who have secured 25.67 ( twenty five (point) six seven ) marks and above are included in the Main List and requisite marks have been lowered to the extent necessary in respect of supplementary lists.
agriculture officer kerala psc rank list

Download agriculture officer kerala psc rank list category 475/2020 here -> Link
Link to original post in kerala psc website here
Agriculture officer kpsc study material basics (Link)