principles of plant genetics and breeding acquaah

Principles of plant genetics and breeding by george acquaah | Pdf link free download

“Principles of Plant Genetics and Breeding” by George Acquaah is a widely used textbook in the field of plant genetics and breeding. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the fundamental principles and practices of plant genetics and breeding, including topics such as inheritance, quantitative genetics, and molecular biology. The author’s writing style is clear and concise, making the complex subject matter easily accessible to students and professionals alike. The book also includes numerous examples, case studies, and illustrations to help reinforce key concepts. Overall, “Principles of Plant Genetics and Breeding” is an excellent resource for anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding of the field of plant genetics and breeding.

Book Information

Author(s):George Acquaah
First published:16 August 2012
Print ISBN:9780470664766 | Online ISBN:9781118313718 DOI:10.1002/9781118313718
Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

“Principles of Plant Genetics and Breeding” by George Acquaah covers the following topics:


  1. Introduction to Plant Genetics and Breeding
  2. Mendelian Genetics
  3. Chromosomes and Chromosomal Inheritance
  4. Quantitative Genetics
  5. Genes and Traits
  6. Linkage and Recombination
  7. Mapping Genes
  8. Gene Interactions
  9. Mutation and Induced Mutations
  10. Polyploidy and Cytogenetics
  11. Developmental Genetics
  12. Gene Expression
  13. Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering
  14. Molecular Markers and Marker-Assisted Selection
  15. Plant Breeding Methods
  16. Populations and Evolution
  17. Breeding for Adaptation
  18. Breeding for Resistance to Abiotic and Biotic Stresses
  19. Breeding for Quality Traits
  20. Plant Variety Protection and Intellectual Property Rights

The book provides a comprehensive overview of the principles and practices of plant genetics and breeding and includes numerous examples, case studies, and illustrations to help reinforce key concepts. The book is suitable for students and professionals in the field of plant genetics and breeding. “Principles of Plant Genetics and Breeding” by George Acquaah is a textbook that is primarily intended for agricultural graduates, specifically those studying plant science, horticulture, or plant breeding. It provides a comprehensive overview of the principles and practices of plant genetics and breeding and covers topics that are relevant for students and professionals in these fields. However, the book can also be useful for individuals in related fields such as biology, genetics, and biotechnology who are interested in learning more about plant genetics and breeding.

Purchase link

We recommend purchasing from the original publisher. It can be purchased from wiley publications here

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