Agriculture officer kerala psc coaching mock test package. Full length mock test package for Kerala psc ao exams. Agripariksha and brings to you mock test for the exams conducted by Kerala state public service commission for agriculture officer.
The package comprises of 5 full length mock tests based on syllabus of kerala psc agriculture officer. It is very helpful for those candidates appearing for the exam on 6th of March. Mock test comprises of 100 questions to be attended within a time frame of an hour. Negative marking is included and the mock tests are structured to emulate the agriculture officer kerala psc exams conducted by the KPSC.

The mock test is currently being priced at ₹0 and more you can purchase the pack here .
Previous year question papers and free mock tests for kerala psc agiculture officer can be found in our website here.
Study materials for kerala psc agriculture officer psc coaching mock test can be found here.
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